Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Acne often make people's lives more difficult, making them feel shy about their appearance. Mostly teenagers suffer from acne, trying to get rid of this disease with the help of all possible methods. Meanwhile this problem can be solved easily - with the help of remedies with Tretinoin and zinc.

TRITIN is a lotion with Tretinoin and zinc. It is a modern effective remedy, which helps to reduce the skin fatness and renders antiphlogistic effect, totally cures from the most difficult acne forms. Due to its high effectiveness, the only retinoid, which is locally used in the USA is Tretinoin - the natural vitamin A metabolite. It is used in the form of cream or lotion (concentration of 0,025%, 0,05% and 0,1%). In 1986 Tretinoin made a splash in Europe, it appeared to be extremely effective against acne, and later it was found out that it is also effective against warts, scarring, effectively removes the skin stratum cornea, fights with senile wrinkles, with spots, which appeared as a result of a sunburn, Fordyce granule. Such a wide range of action emerges because Tretinoin makes the upper layer of the skin thinner or in other words, has the effect of peeling.
Tretinoin mechanism of action against acne

The treatment action is connected with making the adhesion of epithelial cells of the follicle, which are responsible for creating micromedons. Micromedons, in their turn, are the earliest pathological manifestation of vulgar acne.
Unbelievable effect of wrinkle removing

To remove sagged skin and deep creases women try to make operations on their faces, try dermabrasion and chemical peeling. Moreover, it is possible to get a course of collagen injections in order to smooth out superficial wrinkles for several months. But for spending millions of dollars for making skin always looking young, there was no possibility to solve this problem radically and for a long period till the latest times.
The form of local application of Tretinoin
Because of high concentration you should begin acne cream 0,1% usage due to a plan 1/2 (a day after two). To strengthen the procedure of peeling it is possible to use it 3-5 times a day, but not more than one time a week.

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